The Tuja, Enjoy and Simplay Fast are modern fast sailing yachts sailed by an experienced skipper. You can just sail along, even alone! Spontaneous! Several hours or days with overnight stay on board! Sailing experience is not required. Anyone who wants to lend a hand is welcome and cordially invited. Setting sails, trimming sails and of course standing at the helm yourself. – Gain experience and confidence in handling a sailing yacht. And experience unforgettable moments with lots of fun, good humour and fresh wind.
Two sailing yachts sail fromf Stralsund on the Baltic Sea from May to September – the third in the Mediterranean and Atlantic from September to May.
On our Baltic Sea tours, there is no board cash and there are no hidden costs, no shopping stress and no deposit. As we cannot accurately estimate costs on our Mediterranean and Atlantic tours, there is a board cash on these tours
Legal and secure sailing
For commercial sailing in Germany, a yacht with approval from the German BG Verkehr is prescribed. Approval and biennial inspection by the BG Verkehr’s boat safety department is required by law (and also makes sense). It issues a safety certificate for training yachts and a crew certificate for the boat. The Tuja, Enjoy and Simply Fast have these certificates and are inspected every two years. You can therefore sail safely and legally on our yachts.